Global ventures into Sanitizer production to break records of IPA demand

IPA Pricing Analysis

Despite soaring demand and rise in international prices, the prices of IPA in India declined marginally after March 5 as an outcome of restrictions imposed by the government to prevail the availability of sanitizers at an affordable price. IPA has turned out to be the most preferred chemical commodity among its other alternatives due to its superior properties. Although the domestic prices currently lie between INR 69-72 per kg, IPA prices are anticipated to climb to INR 95-100 per Kg taking into consideration the surging demand in the domestic market. Moreover, with disruption in supply chain, profitability of the domestic manufacturers as the sole provider of the product is anticipated to witness a significant rise.

•     Dow starts sanitizer production in Germany

In order to fight against rising coronavirus cases in Germany, Dow has started a hand sanitizer production in Stade, Germany. The production unit can produce up to 300 tonnes per month of hand sanitizer and the produced sanitizer will be made available to the government authorities to be further sold in the pharmacies and hospitals, free of cost. Dow’s initiative was supported by Olin which is ensuring regular supply of glycerin to produce hand sanitizers. Dow is also planning to re-purpose one of its units in U.S. to produce hand sanitizer over there. The plant started on 20th March and has started delivering the product.

INEOS boosting hand sanitizer production in UK and Germany

INEOS has aimed to complete two of its targeted hand sanitizer plants in UK and Germany by the first week of April. The plants will be capable of producing up to 1 million bottles of hand sanitizers per month. The company took this initiative to address the current sanitizer shortage in Europe, one of the countries mostly hit by the pandemic. The company produces the key raw materials for hand sanitizers - isopropanol (IPA) and ethanol - in Grangemouth and Germany’s Moers and Herne sites. The company has IPA production capacities of 155KTPA at Moers and of 85KTPA in Herne while ethanol production units in Grangemouth produce 330KTPA.

BASF to commence production of IPA at Ludwigshafen Petrochemical

To alleviate supply bottlenecks, BASF is looking forward to starting the production of sanitizers at Ludwigshafen petrochemical hub. The company has been quick to secure required regulatory approval to commence the production of the key raw material-Isopropyl Alcohol. BASF aims to provide free supplies of sanitizers to regional hospitals with its limited capacity of production. Earlier, the company was engaged in the production of raw materials required for manufacturing of disinfectants. 

Shell to contribute towards IPA production to combat demand rises amid coronavirus

As reported by the commercial product manager, Shell is all set to manufacture 2.5m Litres of Isopropyl Alcohol for the production of disinfectants and distribute it for free. The purpose behind this free distribution is to serve the society to constrain the spread of the virus so that the situation can be improved.

MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas PLC starts production of hand sanitizers

MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas PLC is an integrated oil and gas company which is involved into production of crude oil, bitumen, petroleum products and natural gas. The company has recently converted a windshield washer production line at its facilities in Almasfuzito, Hungary, into sanitizer production unit which can produce up to 50,000 liters per day of hand sanitizer. This extraordinary step taken by the company is to satisfy the demand for hand sanitizers in Europe after the region became the epicenter of the coronavirus. 

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